Promoting climate action
throughout Québec

Climat de
Climat de
Our network is part of Canada’s effort to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and to help communities build up their climate resilience.
These areas deserve your attention and need your intervention.
Your services
Public Safety
Human Resources
Urban Planning
Public Works
Your departments
Energy Resources
Physical Resources
Human Resources
Waste Management
After educating decision-makers on environmental issues, the CREs will then focus on the crucial role these individuals can play and what actions they should take. Let’s start with the most important!
Buildings are responsible for 10% of GHG emissions and 32% of energy consumption in Quebec……
Agriculture and forestry are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change…
Biodiversity and healthy natural environments are needed to stabilize the climate…
More than 96% of all resources circulating in the Quebec economy are not reused…
54% of the energy consumed in Quebec is still of fossil origin, whereas this share was already 58% in 1987…
Greening our living environments helps to mitigate the causes, but also the effects, of climate change…
8% of Quebec’s GHG emissions come from municipal waste and wastewater management…
Transport is the leading sector emitting GHGs (43%), and the fastest growing sector (+35%) since 1990, in Quebec…
CRE teams are familiar with each region’s specific context, needs and available resources. They implement various activities to help the communities achieve these goals. They can listen to your ideas and help you achieve your goals.
Lac-Saint-Jean CREDD
CRE Capitale-Nationale
CRE Mauricie